Harlow is in his Hangar, Contemplating, Pondering and Ruminating

Harlow is in his Hangar, Contemplating, Pondering and Ruminating
Blimp Hangar (c. late 1930's)


Many shall Read, but Few shall Understand

If you don't like (or don't understand) erudition (real or feigned), alliteration (consonant or assonant), paronomasia (homonymic or polysemic), or onomatopoeic interjections (germane or gratuitous), then this probably ain't the blog fer you -- I'm just sayin'.

There.  Now that all those dense dullards have departed my domicile dirigible, we can speak seriously, without rude interruptions.

This is an experiment for me, at once bold and intimidating.  In general, I don't particularly like blogs, and I am wary of bloggers, present company excepted.  I don't like to write things that just anybody can read and misinterpret, like the guys who just left the room.  I don't want people to get angry at me for the things I write, because you just never know what an angry person
(homicidal or suicidal) will do these days, especially considering the legality of assault weapons and high-capacity clips.

However, for many years, I have been indiscriminately "broadcasting" long letters to my select group of discerning correspondents, letters that would probably be more appropriate as blog entries.  By way of apology, I admit that I am all too well described by the following.

"One of the problems with clever people is that they transport their cleverness around like confetti, to chuck at people whether it's wanted or not." -- Will Davies

I need to extend my conversational colleagues the courtesy of choice in reading my missives, rather than thrusting them unbidden into their in-boxes.  Thus I will announce the existence of this blog, and allow readers to follow it, or not, as they will.

I haven't quite decided yet, whether to open my blog to web indexing and search.  Casting my nets far and wide, into the vast blogosphere, feels a bit like like scooping krill into my gaping baleen maw. Then again, I have not disclosed my true identity herein -- a small but not insignificant level of security.

Despite the fact that I can be gregarious in a milieu of the proper genius loci, when suddenly confronted with a roiling miasma of the ignorant and irate, my comfort level plummets precipitously.  I prefer to converse with calm and collected correspondents -- open-minded, logical, inquisitive, articulate, cosmopolitan, tolerant -- people like you.

Of course, I will preview and screen all comments.  There is a lot to be said for the effective filtration of one's prospective detractors.

If you have read this far, welcome.  I honestly appreciate your interest, and humbly beg your indulgence of my cogitations, compositions, and quixotic conceits.  No further disclaimers or apologies will be forthcoming.

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